Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

5 European Surf Photographers You Should Be Following

1. Alex Laurel – @alexlaurelphotographie

A master both in the water and land, after many years working for Surf Europe Alex Laurel has amassed a super impressive portfolio, including numerous covers. He now works for brands such as Hurley and Nixon and nowadays also bangs out some high quality moving image.


2. Victor Gonzalez – @victorgonzalezfoto

Hailing from the Basque region of Spain, Victor’s work extends far beyond the traditional realm of surf photography, instead focussing on travel, landscapes and cultures, all of which he captures with his own masterful and distinctive style. He has recently released a book documenting 10 years of his surf related travels, which you can purchase here.

3. Laurent Pujol – @laurentpujol

Pioneer of the behind the surfer angle, but by no means a one trick pony, Frenchman Laurent Pujol’s insta is crammed full of great quality imagery.  Featuring more covers than you can shake a stick at, get ready to have a sore thumb from double tapping as you get your scroll on with this one.


4. Javi Muñoz – @pacotwo

Spaniard Javi Muñoz, who usually goes by his alias ‘pacotwo’ is on the best all rounders in Europe, with a super defined eye his feed filled portraits, lifestyle shots and landscape photos which stand proudly in terms of quality alongside his surf ones.


5. Bastien Bonnarme- @bastienbonnarme

Similar to Pacotwo, Bastiene’s feed is beautifully diverse, with an amazing array of landscapes and fashion shots to go alongside his surf work. He mixes a contemporary style with timeless barrel shots, line-ups and empty grinders. You can see some of his work, taken in China during the Nixon Surf Challenge on a Lomography camera in the new issue of Wavelength, which you can find here.