Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Celebrity Instagram Surfer Christmas Special

While the majority of us normal folk are enjoying the standard issue Christmas of 6000 calorie days, 20 unit nights and whatever personal hell your extended family delivers, spare a thought for the world’s pro surfers. Chances are they’re somewhere uncomfortably humid, miles away from turkey and stuffing, with only perfect blue oceans and scantily-clad members of the opposite to keep them company. Sigh.

Luckily, in this Black Mirror style world of social media and 4G networks, not only can all those lucky surfers keep everyone up to date with their enviable holiday season, we can take a break from the frosty European winter and have a good old nose around their personal lives.

Might as well start off with the man himself. Everyone’s favourite superhero kicked off his festivities with an early morning session at the impressive standing waves down near Waimea.

Fellow islander Jamie O’Brien uploaded an epic Christmas day selfie of an empty Pipeline beast. Sat atop a pink foamie, of course.

Every amusing pro botherer turned DJ and confirmed nutjob Paul Fisher surprised his missus’ extended family with a couple of “bangers”.

While we’re flicking through Fisher’s feed, might as well mention he also his old lady to a couple of Christmas nuts.

While Paul might be embracing the more lads lads lads approach to Christmas celebrations, world number six Michel Bourez kept it proper wholesome.

Wilko meanwhile kept all Stralya stereotypes alive and well with a quick snap from Byron.

Big news from Kolohe, down on one knee in front of the Christmas tree and a yes from the future Mrs Andino.