Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981


According to Afends, “it’s here that we find freedom of a different kind, it’s a place of kaos and wildness where you can cut loose on land and sea.”

Whatever that means, either way, here is their final episode in their CODE ZIRCON 99 voyage, this one going out with a bang from the tropics of Indonesia! 


Afends go on to say, “Indonesia is an amazing paradox, on the one hand you have beautiful waves and perfect vistas but also incredible pollution. The third world stares in stark contrast to what we know in Western society. Its a place of rules, but no rules. A place of awakening but also a very hard reality.”

“Indonesia is an amazing Paradox…” Really?

What about the marketing decision from  Afends  that team riders/models must constantly go out of their way to look like drug hungry hobos, whilst the retail price of their threads would suggest an entirely different reality for any able consumer.

Filmed by Ishka Folkwell, edited by Toby Cregan, with insightful narration by Ed Sinnott and featuring surfers Duncan McNicol, Torren Martyn, JS, Luke Stickley, Seb Smart and more…

We say, Afends is bang on trend right now and is already big over in Australia, they are now beginning to make some pretty decent in roads over here in  Europe. Having said this, we are not totally convinced by the punk rock, grunge meets gangsta for the sake of it kinda bullshit, the syringe bit and middle finger waggling is all pretty lame!”

Anyway that is just our opinion, and what really matter is that we recon these guys have got it down in style department at the moment, so at the end of the day, good on them really!! Mate Mate Mate