Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

WATCH: A Beautiful New Longboarding Clip Starring Honolua Blomfield

This is ‘Hono’, a visual odyssey, staring 2017 longboard world champ Honolua Blomfield.

The 20-year-old Hawaiin transcends the often polarised world of longboarding with her elegant prowess, stacking accolades (including a WSL world championship and a Duct Tape win) that defy the sport’s rigid sub-categories.

Outside of the competitive arena, Honolua’s featured in an array of amazing clips and the latest, from directors Ben Ono and Nash Howe, is no exception. In fact, the clip is so well constructed, it bolsters the argument that longboarding- and women’s longboarding in particular- may be surfing’s most artistic and aesthetically interesting mode of practice.

It combines seamless surfing with dramatic visuals and beautiful sound design, setting itself firmly apart from the common surf web-clip fodder with which we’ve become accustomed.