Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Byron to Bali, Stradbroke Island to Cornwall CODE ZIRCON 99

With a welcome breath of fresh-air to your typical surf flicks, AFENDS is thrilled to unveil our new reality defined web series ‘CODE ZIRCON 99’.


Filmed by Ishka Folkwell, edited by Toby Cregan and with insightful narration by Ed Sinnott [ESP Surfboards] – each episode of plays fast, loose and runs like an early 90’s skate visual crack.

Follow our crop of AFENDS upstarts including team riders Duncan McNicol, Torren Martyn, JS, Luke Stickley, Seb Smart with a few guest cameos along the way as they travel from Byron to Bali, Stradbroke Island to South Coast.

Be a part of the journey this coming month, as our regular transmissions take you on a voyage of self-discovery through the wilderness of excess into one of wild adventure & personal freedom that is CODE ZIRCON 99…