Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Dane Reynolds Announces New Brand!

Last November Dane Reynolds parted ways with his long time sponsor Quiksilver after they reportedly offered him a dramatically reduced salary. Then, in December, long time team mate and good pal Craig Anderson also decided not to renew his contract and  ever since speculation has been rife that the pair are working on a new brand.

Yesterday, after releasing a new web clip over on Stab, they announced they had a name for their new brand brain child- Former. The brand will represent a meeting point between surf & skate, and has been developed in collab with skater Austyn Gillette.

‘I spent years trying to validate myself and prove myself to Quiksilver and when it ended, it was like the biggest relief ever.’ reflected Dane in his new clip. ‘I don’t ever wanna let some dude sitting in an office crunching numbers dictate my self-worth. Not again.’ he continued. ‘And I don’t care if I ever do a contest again. I mean, what’s important; is it money, legacy, glory? For me, I just want to live with integrity and back myself, and do something that I’m proud of.’

In an age where the consumer is turning its back on the growth-obsessed, super slickly branded big name companies, you would think a couple of fellas like Dane and Craig scribbling on some t-shirts would provide the perfect authenticity-fuelled antidote. Whats more the boys circle of influence is already massive, with Craig’s unique marketing of the Hypto-Krypto leading to it becoming the most bought surfboard ever. These things combined seem to point to a bright future for the brand and we look forward to seeing their first product line, which is expected to drop early next year.