Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Dane Reynolds Is Back With An Amazing New Edit

Behold, Premium Violence, a brand new edit from Dane Reynolds, filmed on a recent trip down to South Aus and Portugal, and featuring many clips that remind you why he’s still one of your favourite surfers.

Although the headline states he’s back, you could argue he never really left, it just feels a bit like he did because the amount you get to see him surf has reduced dramatically from his ASP/ Marine Layer days.
This is quite understandable though, firstly because online surf media has changed, and most of the world’s best free surfers now lean towards dropping one, longer, amazing quality edit a year, as opposed to the constant cascade of clips from the days of TV Dion and Marine Layer and secondly because he’s been busy. Busy raising a child, busy creating more and busy starting his new brand- Former. Which is the reason he has gifted us this latest clip and the reason he was in Aus at all, rather than at home with his wife and his newly birthed twins.