Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Dylan Graves & The Weird Novelty Waves Of Puerto Rico

We all love ruler edge perfection.

We obviously dig clips containing wave after wave peeling perfectly down a point, with a tiny humans gliding through them at warp speed, emerging triumphantly somewhere down the line.

But we also love clips starring the exact opposite kind of waves, the weird, wobbly, unpredictable ones that change direction, double up, collide with side waves and throw inexplicable barrel sections without notice.

There’s plenty out there in the inter-lands today containing the former from last weekends perfect typhoon swell at Kirra, but here’s a clip chock full of the latter, starring Dylan Graves having a ball at home in Puerto Rico. If for some reason the meat of the clip ain’t weird enough for you, there’s even a little cameo from a dog surfing a hypto to ensure it well and truly tickles your novelty spot: