Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Felipe Toledo In Cali

Felipe Toledo and Trestles go together like butter and crumpets. Actually that is not a very geographically accurate reference for this clip. They go together like burgers and fries, or something else really Californian. Here’s a brand new edit featuring the two undulating in perfect harmony, to an at times dramatic and at time thrashy soundtrack.

Toledo moved to Cali two and a half years ago now and sounds like he’s been loving every minute of it ‘It’s been a great experience for me,’ he says of the move ‘the waves are good here all the time, nice people, beautiful sunsets’.

Many of the surfers on tour save their best surfing for their heats and Toledo is definitely one of the, however its still great to see the stuff he throws down when the rashies off. In this clip we get to witness some crazy air and rail work in fluid combination, as well as some massive single manouveres and plenty of new school technical flare.

The latter part then focusses on his journey through the Trestles comp, throwing out some behind the scenes insights and following in the footsteps of JJF’s ‘Twelve’ in a web clip style that has gained popularity recently.