Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

The Grom Files – Finn Gamblin

We’re back with a fresh new from file, this week first one is Finn Gamblin from Tynemouth.
Name: Finn Gamblin
Age: 12
Instagram / Twitter: Finn_Gamblin
Local break:  Tynemouth Longsands
When did you first start surfing: When I was 6 years old at Tynemouth it was 4ft with my dad
How did you get into surfing: I saw everyone doing it at the Tynemouth beach so I went to the local surf shop, Tynemouth Surf Co.
Who are your surf buddies:  Ben Tucker, Louis Thomas-Hudson, Rory Morgan, Seth Hughes, George Hudson, Grain Clay, Sandy Kerr, Gabe Davies, Stan Norman, Bertie Norman, Joseph Morris and Jonny Aitchison .
What is your favourite wave: Some secret spots at home
Favourite international surfer: Julian Wilson, Nic Von Rupp, Jamie O’Brien, Marlon Lipke, Mitch Crews and John John Florence
 Favourite UK surfer: Oil Adams, Alan Stokes, Sandy Kerr, Gabe Davies, Luis Eyre and Joel Gary
 Sponsors: Pete Snowdon, North Core, Loco, Tynemouth Surf Co
 Describe a typical day at home: Wake up and check the surf on the laptop if good waves go and surf some secret spots all day
 Whats the strong point of your surfing: My stance and turns
What are you surf plans for 2014: Do well in comps, surf more reef breaks and travel
In 10 years what will you be doing:  ASP World Tour, Pro Surfer and a surf Model
Apart from surfing what else are you into: Rugby, Skateboarding and Paddle Boarding
Surfboard dimensions: 5’5 18 1/8 2 1/8
Where have you surfed in the world:  Hong Kong, Bali, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Wales and Holland
Favourite UK wave: Secrets spots and Thurso East
Favourite international wave: Winkipops and Raglan
Best waves on the recent Portugal trip:  Hippy beach
Favourite food on the trip: Huge noodles dish eaten with Kit Innes
Who did the best surfing on the trip:  Rory Morgan and Kit Innes
What is the best thing about surfing: Riding the best waves, sick turns and finishing it off well.