Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Grom Files – Harry De Roth

Harry after a little altercation with his board Photo: Greg Martin

Issue 232 is just around the corner and in it is a pretty epic two week trip to Portugal with some of the UK’s best groms. We did a quick Q and A with them all which didn’t quite fit in the mag, so we’re going to run it one by one here on the site, starting with Cornwall’s Harry De Roth.

Name: Harry de Roth

Age: 15

Instagram / twitter: @harryderoth

Local break: Porthmeor beach

When did you first start surfing: When I was about 6 on a foamy and like those big body boards with the fins in!

How did you get into surfing: my mum always took me to the beach so I would always see Jayce going in and all the boys at the Surfschool so it would of been stupid not to go surfing when I was right there and had all of these people to learn from.

Who are your surf buddies: There are so many which Is good because there’s always someone to go in with which helps you improve.

What is your favourite wave: probably the left at Rocky Point in Hawaii. So good for airs and if you get the right one can be really Wally for a few whacks.

Favourite international surfer: John John Florence

Favourite UK surfer: don’t really have one specific one there are a few that surf with a different style and rip in different waves.

Sponsors: Ripcurl, carve eyewear, hurricane surf and robie robes. Describe a typical day at home: wake up check the webcams see where it’s at, have breakie go surf where’s good then go back check out the footage play some ping pong as then head out for round two unless it’s pumping then I will try and get in 3 or 4 surfs in.

What’s the strong point of your surfing: not to sure but I’ve been working on laybacks a lot lately and just starts to focus on scoring big points by linking turns and choosing the right turn for the correct section.

What are you surf plans for 2014: well I’m in Hawaii at the minute which is really sick. It’s my first time here and I’m loving it such good waves and so much more power than anywhere I’ve been before. And then from here I’m going to Portugal for the GB team selection process and then hopefully if I get picked I will be going to the worlds in Ecuador and then doing all the pro juniors in Europe all summer.

In 10 years what will you be doing: hopefully getting good results on the wqs but if not I will defo surfing somewhere.

Surfboard dimensions: 5’11, 18 9.16’s 2 1/8

Where have you surfed in the world: umm Australia, Panama, Nicaragua, Hawaii, France, Spain, Portugal the canaries, Scotland and the Azores

Favourite UK wave: Probably Porthmeor just because I surf it so much and it changes all the time and it’s got more punch than most UK waves.

Favourite international wave: probably the left at Rocky Point in Hawaii. So good for airs and if you get the right one can be really Wally for a few whacks.

Best waves on the recent Portugal trip: the best waves were on the days where I couldn’t surf after splitting my head open! of course!

Favourite food on the trip: the pizzas from the Italian as we could take them back and watch The pipe comp unveil!

What is the best thing about surfing: always improving you’re never the best you can be.

See more on the trip at www.surfsolutions.tv