Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Grom Files – Seth Hughes

The fourth of our groms from Portugal is Seth Hughes from the south coast.

Name: Seth

Age: 15

Instagram: seth_hughes2311

Local Break: Sandbanks

Started surfing: Started surfing when I was 9 and started training with Joel when I was 11.

How did I get into surfing?: I got into surfing in Boscombe at Surf Steps surf school.

Surf buddies: The cadet and from squad and all the kids from boscombe.
Favourite wave: Godrevy

Favourite international wave: Cabbarita, Australia

Favourite UK surfing: Reubyn Ash

Sponsors: Alcatraz beach club, Ocean leisure water sports shop.

Typical day at home: My typical day is school all day and surf training or skating after school. Weekends I get up and skate around London all day.

Strong points: I think my strong points in surfing are my consistency and commitment in cross training so that helps my strength in the water.

Plans for 2014: My plans for 2014 are to surf a lot and train a lot. Hopefully I get to go on a lot of surf trips too!

In 10 years from now: in ten years from now I hope to be living somewhere near waves and have surfing part of my everyday life

Favourite international surfer: John John Florence
I have surfed in England, Wales, France, Portugal, Australia, Dubai.

Apart from surfing: apart from surfing I skate a lot and play guitar

Surfboard dimensions: 5’8 x 19 x 2 3/16

Best wave on the most recent Portugal trip: Buranco even though it was busy the wave was really fun and I had one of my best surfs of the trip

Best food on the trip was when we had take away pizza and watched pipe masters!

Bets surfer on trip: I think george surfed the best on the trip because he surfed the best I’ve ever seen him.

The best thing about the trip was surfing all day everyday with my friends. Also the coaches were sick and the lunches were amazing!!

see more at www.surfsolutions.tv