Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Locals Only – A Gallery of Some of Scotland’s Finest

Chris Noble saluting a little peak.

Chris Noble, in a Thurso pit, and in a legendary boiler suit. Everyone wore these for a while, and still do, doesn't matter how many cold water surf companies come along none will make an item of clothing as warm as this!Chris again, this day was so cold, and the swell out of the north.Ok so Chris Clarke isn't Scottish, he hails from south of the boarder, but has made his home on the north coast, and mostly in this barrel.Rick Willmett, was another blow in, this time from OZ, for a while he was a fixture up there schooling everyone on how to ride some of the slabs.Hamper MacLeod, as long as he's not on an oil rig off Norway, if there is a swell he'll be on it.Dom and Mumble, if you spend long enough in Caithness you'll meet this character, another blow in, this time from Guernsey.Alex Sutherland, sporting the Soltire in a peaty pit.Scott Main, Slayer fanatic and general legend in a goofy footers paradise.Chris Noble saluting a little peak.