Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Nine Foot & Single 2017 – The After Movie

Every year Deus host a four day festival of art, music and surf, at their temple of enthusiasm in Cangu; this is Nine Foot and Single, 2017!

What started out a small gathering of friends has grown year on year since its inception, becoming one of the most celebrated and well attended single fin carnivals in the world. The event screens films, hosts music and stages several divisions of surf based competition, the most entertaining of which features a mixture of international logging talent and frothing locals on nine foot plus single fins.

‘We all get thrown out in up to six foot river mouth, high performance wave, and everyone goes crazy and does some shit you’ll never see anywhere else in the world’ said Lewie Buddons, of Newcastle.

The evening makes way for the international crowd of revellers to pour Bintang down their gullets and engage in bonding and general hedonism. Here’s the super comprehensive after-movie to pick up the rest of the story: