Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Our 10 Favourite British Surf Clips… #9

Fergal Smith & Tom Lowe- Coldpro Festival 2011.

The penultimate clip features Tom Lowe and Fergal Smith charging their Irish discoveries back in 2011

Tom Lowe and Fergal Smith were, and still are, two of the most exciting things to happen to Surfing in the British Isles.  Over a few winters they notched up an incomparable amount of accolades; discovering spots, pushing limits of what was possible- both paddline and towing- and pumping out more good clips and shots (usually courtesy of Mickey Smith) than almost anyone else. This video, from 2011, sums up perfectly what made the lads so iconic: style, skill and an incredible fearlessness in the face of some of the heaviest waves in the world.