Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

WATCH: The Sea Is Glowing In Wales!

There’ve been a serious lack of waves around Britain for what feels like an age now.

While we’ve been basking in the sunshine and attempting to ride any little bump going, before slinking off home as the sun falls into the sea, a couple of lads from over Wales way have stayed out past nightfall and discovered a rather intriguing nocturnal vista on the Isle of Anglesey.

The phenomena, known as Bioluminescence, occurs when microscopic light emitting plankton in the water are disturbed. The glowing sea that results can be seen all over the world, from Puerto Rico, to the Maldives, to our own fair isles, with Scotland and Wales serving as particular hot spots. Scientists think the plankton evolved to sparkle when disturbed to scare away predators, or attract bigger predators who might then eat the smaller ones, rather than the algae itself. Some types of zooplankton even squirt out little blobs of bioluminescent chemicals so their predators attack that and not them.

Wondering what it would look like if someone were to surf through it? Look no further than this clip from back in 2011 featuring  a couple of guys shredding during the ‘red tide’ in San Diego back in 2011:
