Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Support Bantham’s Brilliant Outside Project

A slew of South Devon core lords – including the likes of Paddy Wellens, Owen Tozer and local chart topping ledge Ben Howard – are mobilising to create a wicked outdoor space including a skate bowl, cafe, surfboard shaping facility, veggie garden, kids’ play area and pottery studio; but mostly epic pre and post surf hangs a couple clicks behind the iconic rivermouth break.

But they need your support to help make it all happen.

Anyone who’s ever threaded the curl at Bantham Rivermouth on a good day, had toes over the nose in the mellow peaks in The Rip, or even sliced up sou‘westerly wedges at nearby Chally will have already fallen in love with the natural beauty of the Shire.

But other than the lineups themselves or perhaps over a pricey, tide sensitive pint at the Pilchard, up until now there hasn’t been much of a focal point for the community to come together and regale in each other’s vibe, tell tall tales of fresh sesh dominance, or most crucially, pass on the stoke sauce to the next gen of South Hams ute.

Well hello, Outside.

“Outside will provide a space for sport, wellbeing and social interaction, many facilities of which are not available locally and we believe are crucial to physical and mental wellbeing” expains the project’s Crowdfunder page 

The concrete bowl is designed by Opus Skateparks and offers lines for all abilities, and has the full backing of Skateboarding England.

“Often skating facilities end up in dark forgotten corners of parks and historically have a bad reputation. The Outside skate bowl will be a safe, well monitored alternative that our young people are proud of” continues Outside’s proposal.

Sounds like win win all around… the only snag being the matter of 60 large required to pay for it. Premium outdoor bowls don‘t come cheap, so the project is offering advanced memberships as a way of general the cash needed to get the project over the line.

And that’s where you come in, dear reader.

£40 will get you a discounted year membership from opening day, £60 for a membership with a 1st edition tee.

Whatever you can afford, from a few shekels to help things along, or a few of those pesky bitcoins burning a hole in your hard drive, it’s all greatly appreciated by the Outside team.

Support Outside via their Crowdfunder page here

Bantham photos by Luke Prokopiou