Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Surf Films To Watch Online Free | Lost Atlas

[Spending more time in front of the screen than usual? More YouTubes than tubes? We’ve compiled a half dozen surf flicks you can watch online free while the world has a little collective think about its behaviour, you can find em all here.

Eyeballs hurt? No worries, check out the Lockdown Special episode of our podcast.]

Lost Atlas (2011)

Kai Neville


I watched this in the cinema in Santa Cruz, California, at a premiere. Jordy was there, wearing a baggy denim shirt and it might have his first real foray into kind of indie fashion, away from branded O’Neill tees. He’d been hanging with Dane, and it certainly seemed at the time, that out of that semi forced double act, most of the original thoughts were Dane’s. I’m pretty sure I saw Dane in the denim shirt before Jordy premiered it.

I was still dealing with jetlag and fell asleep in the opening section, and woke up at the end credits really disorientated and grumpy.

I just watched it again, for the first time, and it’s an epic film.

Come to think of it, it might’ve been Modern Collective that I fell asleep at, think this is the first time I’ve even watched this one. My very bad.

Aside from the obvious; Dane, John (just one, then for a while) and Ando, Dusty Payne leaps out at me as probably the standout performer in LA. His stuff in this really is terrific.

There’s also loads of Owen. Owen pops up in almost every section. Needless to say his surfing holds its own with anyone’s, but for some reason it just feels like an unfamiliar surf universe where Owen Wright does trips with Ando and Dion.

Insights between the sections are amusing, if not searingly insightful. Who doesn’t love the bit about Quiksilver making Dane call Kelly to apologise for writing him off for doing wheelies?

LA features Ando on a sharp upward trajectory in every sense, about to explode on the epoxy HS’s launching a global board buying frenzy, and it felt like he was certain to be around for yonks. Now, not even a decade on, and it feels like he’s already been semi retired for five years.

Where’s Ando?

Broadly speaking, it’s a million massive, massive airs, and yet the standout part is probably the Greenbush section, with Ando’s singlefin barrel and a cool R Cal cameo and some general bravado.

LA was the definitive action movie in its time, absolute state of the art surfing as of 2011. Has surfing moved on much since then? Maybe not much in terms of freesurfing performance, the only real difference is our current World Title contenders are doing this stuff to win events.