Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Surf Films To Watch Online Free | Psychic Migrations

[Spending more time in front of the screen than usual? More YouTubes than tubes? We’ve compiled a half dozen surf flicks you can watch online free while the world has a little collective think about its behaviour, you can find em all here.

Eyeballs hurt? No worries, check out the Lockdown Special episode of our podcast.]

Psychic Migrations (2015) 

by Ryan Thomas

This is a brilliant film, probably really under rated because of when it came out, kinda getting buried under an avalanche of ‘content’, or maybe it just slipped under my own radar.

Certain films are amazing in their own right as films, others make you want to surf… this one reminds me of that feeling you can have on a trip when you score magical, otherworldy session, it’s really hot, you haven’t eaten enough or drunk enough water and you kind of start tripping out just before lunchtime as you walk back up the beach.

With a diverse cast including Yago, Dusty, Mitch, Nate Tyler, Carlos Muñoz, Ryan Burch, Balaram & Ozzie and refreshingly, no North Shore thuggery, you wonder, who does Joan Duru have to blow to get a better part? He gets like 2 waves.

Style-wise, there’s a touch of the very then Wes Anderson-ification but nothing untoward, it’s just about right. PM is a wholly enjoyable watch.

The director RT, Ryan Thomas was the man behind such fare as The Bruce Movie. He’s also the may only person I’ve ever caps locked, in an email, over a regrettable incident surrounding Surf Europe covermounting a DVD of BS! 

It’s a long and not that interesting story of me chasing him for an interview, and getting exasperated. It was a stinking hot summer, it’d been flat for ten days and I was living in my car. I was little tired.

I’m pretty sure it was my one and only caps lock incident.

Up until recently it was on Red Bull TV but it got pulled and is now on YouTube instead, which only makes it even easier to mind-lick a Costa Rican jungle toad under the midday sun and shred tie dye twin fins on your couch.

Cover photo: Tom Carey // Volcom