Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Top 10 Videos of 2022 Countdown – #1 Sancho Did Tow

A peak behind the curtain of your most treasured surfing slices from the year just gone.   

On our Instagram account, we’ve been doing a countdown of the 25 most-watched clips of 2022. For the top 10, which will get us to the dying embers of the year, we thought we’d dig a little deeper into the videos themselves.

It’s a peak behind the curtain on just why these slivers of surfing from 2022 proved so popular with the Wavelength faithful. You’re a strange bunch, sure, but you know your surfing, and you know what you like. And that’s what we love about ya.

No. 1: Sancho’s Jetski Assisted La Nord Drainer

This wave caused a bit of controversy in the comments. Many of the Wavelength punters decried the fact that Sanchis had been towed into the wave, despite the presence of nearby paddle surfers. They have a point; it is most definitely a wave that could be paddled into.

However, the use of jetski can’t take away either the beauty of the wave or the skill with which Sancho navigates the six-second tube. It is as perfect as the outerbank of La Nord gets, and truth be told, would have gone unridden if not for the mechanical boost. We are glad it was. And by Sancho’s incredulous response, so was he.