Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Tourists In Bali Unknowingly Eating Dog Meat According To Undercover Investigation

An undercover investigation by Animals Australia has revealed that dogs are being captured and slaughtered in their thousands in Bali, before their meat being is sold on to unsuspecting tourists by street vendors and restaurants.

The investigation discovered that every day, dogs – including pets – are being taken off the streets and kept in horrendously cruel and inhumane conditions before they are slaughtered.

Whilst it is legal to sell dog meat in Indonesia, the details of uncovered by AA have raised serious ethical and legal concerns, not only around the animals welfare, but also around some of the deceptive tactics used by vendors to sell the meat, often marked simply as ‘satay’, before being sold to unsuspecting tourists.

“Dumped in bamboo crates or plastic rice sacks, terrified dogs await the nightly slaughter with legs tied and mouths taped shut,” Animals Australia say.

“They may languish like this for hours or days without food or water. One by one they will be brutally slaughtered in full view of their companions.

“And business is booming. Year on year, seven times more dogs are slaughtered in Bali than in China’s notorious Yulin Dog Eating Festival.”

The fact that a lot of the dogs are poisoned also poses serious risks for anyone who ends up eating the meat, as parts of the animal’s vital organs, which are laced with cyanide, often also end up in the dishes.

Kelly Slater has responded to the findings, which were broadcast in full on ABC’s 7.30 program last night, on his Instagram saying: “Might wanna go vegan in Bali..!!??!. Sounds like those rumours we’ve all heard are true.” And we think we’ll be heeding his advice.

The full details of the report are extremely distressing, however if you’d like to view them you can do so here.