Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

WATCH: Julian Wilson’s Quest To Combine Rail Grinds & Surfing

Buried deep within the youtube archives, on a pirated excerpt from 156 tricks, there’s a clip of Ozzie Wright trying a boardslide on a surfboard, down a partially submerged rail into an unidentified body of shallow water. It does not go well. 

In fact, it goes about as badly as a boardslide ever goes, with Ozzie nailing himself between the thighs before promptly face planting the floor. The film was released in 2003, and as far as we know, no high profile pro surfer has attempted such a bold amalgamation of surfing and skateboarding in the 17 years since.

Until, that is, earlier this year when Julian Wilson joined up with Red Bull and URBNSURF for a fresh (and more fruitful) attempt at bringing rail slides into surfing.

The crew formed the perfect trifecta, with the Bull bringing the budgetary and logistical might, the pool providing the previously impossible level of predictability required and Jules putting the cherry on the top with his world-class surf and skate skillz.

Regarde and enjoy:

Cover photo: ANDY GREEN // Red Bull