Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

WATCH: Ryan Burch & Friends In Mexico

Here’s a brand new edit featuring Burch, Disney and Snortum heading south of the border for a mid summer wiggle.

Sure, the waves look a whole lot of fun, the sort you’d be excited to surf were they to pop up one morning at your local, but they’re not classic by any measure. But then, there’s plenty of edits out there featuring your favourite surfers surfing perfect waves (may we suggest JJF’s new banger – if that’s what you’re in the mood for). Sometimes it’s nice to see them making the best ‘an over-hyped, but underwhelming swell.’ What this edit lacks in pricey production value and pumping surf though, it makes up for in makes-you-wanna-get-out-there factor, making it the perfect Friday afternoon tipple before a (potentially) wave filled weekend.