Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

‘Welcome To The Void’- Matt Kleiner’s Directors Cut

Earlier this year surf cinematographer Matt Kleiner went on a trip to South America with Red Bull to direct and film an episode of their Chasing the Shot series. You may well have seen the official Red Bull version of the edit, but if you haven’t click here to watch it as it is excellent.

Kleiner has just dropped his directors cut from the trip, featuring his favourite images and moments. ‘While the primary focus of the trip was surfing, it was hard not to get wrapped up in the beautiful scenery, landscapes and eventually the sense of time standing still.’ he said ‘I wanted to make something to reflect that and not have such an emphasis purely on surf action and the fast pace we are constantly surrounded by.’

With the action filmed almost entirely at the spot where Chris Burkard shot his famous backlit backwash Red Bull Illume winning shot in 2010, you couldn’t ask for a better set up for shooting. And with Kleiner’s beautifully cinematic eye and deliberate editing style which focusses on the remoteness, vastness and beauty of the chilean landscape the result is a very enjoyable web clip.