Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Win a Barrel for a Barrel

Shacked, barrelled, covered up, slotted, tubed, call it what you will – for a surfer there is no greater reward for their efforts than catching the perfect wave and getting under the lip as it curls over.

As the cold winter months approach the chances of perfect barrels increases at the same rate that the water temperature plummets creating an interesting paradox – the desire to get shacked diminishes as the opportunity increases.

One Cornish pub has come up with a new way to spur reticent surfers into action however as The Driftwood Spars in St Agnes is offering ‘A Barrel 4 A Barrel’.

Surfers are being invited to submit pictures of their heaviest Cornish waves throughout the coming winter.  These will then be judged and the overall winner will earn themselves a barrel of real ale from the award winning Driftwood Brewery.

Barrel 4 A Barrel organiser Hollie Milne said: “We’re going to be fairly strict with the rules for this one.  Surfers must be standing up on either a long or shortboard, preferably getting barrelled, on a Cornish wave.

“Bashing the lip, carving a good bottom turn and your best 360 may cut the mustard, but really we want to see some serious pit action”

Upload your photos to Facebook tag The Driftwood Spars in and use the hashtag #barrel4abarrel.  Surfers also need to name the break where the wave was ridden, the date of the photo, the name of the surfer and the photographer.

The five photos with the most likes in the competition at the end of February will be judged by a team of surf industry aficionados with prizes for surfer and photographer.

“We are also going to use the shots to form a centre piece collage on the wall in the pub for everyone to admire. Each week the pub staff are going to pick their wave of the week and give it it’s own frame in The Driftwood so surfers can come along and see if they have pleased the Drifty crew.”

There is no limit on the number of shots you submit, but the organisers say they will be very strict about location and date.

The competition is open now until the end of February 2015 with the winners being judged and announced at a massive party at the end of February.