Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

The Most Horrific Sibling Duo Wipeout Reel Ever, Staring The Porcellas

Originally hailing from the Italian island of Sardinia, Niccolo and Francisco Porcella now live in Maui and can frequently be found attempting to tame some of the heaviest waves on earth.

The pair have hit the headlines often since their expedition into big wave surfing began, with Niccolo suffering possibly the worst wipeout ever caught on film at Chopes, as well as getting absolutely nailed whilst trying to kitesurf Jaws, (why Nic, why?!).

However brother Francisco has also caught his fair share of the limelight, particularly recently when he completed perhaps the most impressive ever coffin ride at Mavericks (which features as the final clip of the edit):

In the mood for more horrible wipeouts? Give these a watch:

The Worst Wipeouts Ever
Kerby Brown’s Horrendous Wipeout At The Right
Tom Lowe’s Mental Wipeout Reel
Cape Fear Wipeouts