Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

Koa Smith Knocked Unconscious After Heavy Wipeout At Nias

Koa Smith and friends rushed to Nias to meet the giant pulse currently lighting up the whole of Indo, but his first session was cut short yesterday by a nasty encounter with the reef.

At around noon he wiped out inside a solid Nias keg, getting driven head first into the reef and nocking himself unconscious. “I forgot where I was but could hear a beautiful song” he explained on Instagram. “[then I] snapped back to my senses and talked my self to the surface.”

Koa, being the positive vibe warrior that he is, managed to put a nice spin on the whole ordeal, telling Stab:

I knew I had concussion when my vision started going and my left arm went a bit numb. Kinda heavy, it’s so far out in the jungle and everything, but there was so many people to help, clean up my wounds and just take care of me. It was pretty magical experience actually.” 

Koa is fresh off a trip from Namibia, where he scored what many are calling one of the best waves ever ridden, featuring no fewer than eight tubes (watch the footage from sky and Koa’s mouth here). We’ve no doubt he’ll take this little incident in his stride and be back on the horse as soon as the next blob of swell appears on the charts.