Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

WATCH: Taylor Jensen Pulls A Big Superman Air On His Longboard

Over the last decade, high-performance longboarding seems to have fallen out of favour with both the surf media and more recently, the WSL, in lieu of its more classically styled single-finned counterpart.

However, there remains many a staunch and talented crew high pro proponents, dead-set on dragging the antiquation appreciation society into the future by showing them how much more is possible on a 9+ 2+1 (that’s not a sum by the way, there’s no prize for dropping the answer in the comments.)

Among them is Taylor Jensen, a 3X WSL LWT world champ (before they changed the criteria) and bastion of longboard based power surfing. His latest offering features him pulling an impressively lofty superman air at Waco on his big board. What do you reckon to it? Could this be the moment the pendulum swings and everyone decides longboarding’s future actually lies in big manoeuvres, or do this drive you even further in the other direction? Let us know in the comments!

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