Wavelength Surf Magazine – since 1981

GALLERY: The Best Shots & Clips From The European Winter

With 33 surfable nations bordering almost a dozen seas and oceans, Europe is one of the world’s true juggernauts when it comes to surfing riches.

While many of these vast aquatic bodies lay dormant in spring and summer months, winter sees each one come alive with swirling storms of wind and waves.

Some serve up a procession of powerful clean ground-swells, while others provide just one or two days of magic among a slew of never-ending wind chop.

Whichever the case, each coastline that borders them plays host to an eager mass of surfers and photographers, ready to drop everything and get to work when conditions look right.

While we know some of the best still and moving images to comes from these prize sessions will be locked away in vaults, to be cut into films or splashed across mag spreads at a later date, these days the quality of the work that makes its way immediately onto social media is so high, it’s well worth digging up for a look.

So, with that in mind, we’ve scoured the accounts of some of our favourite Euro lensmen and women to bring you the very best clips and shots from the European winter that just was. Don’t forget to give these fine folk a follow!

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